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18 thoughts on “Hem

  1. Heyy, fellow cool cat! This is gonna be the start of something legendary.

    The elegance of your website design coupled with the rich content makes for such a delightful experience. Your ability to harmonize aesthetics with functionality highlights your skills as a designer and developer. I’m thankful for the chance to provide feedback and I wish you continued success in your endeavors because the world needs more of your creativity.

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    Until we meet again, keep the positivity flowing

  2. This morning, THREE MONTHS LATER, I got an email from PayPal that I had been charged again. I don’t even know what to say. I knew their stuff all seemed janky and unprofessional but charging months after allegedly canceling the service just seems like an outright scam. I’m not even that mad about losing $12 I’m just blown away at how shady this site is.


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